25 June 2008

Swimming Lessons

I have no pictures to show you because this session of swimming lessons is "parent and child". I decided to put Emma into this class because she has had this fear of the water that I can not explain. Sure enough the first couple of lessons we had "freak out" times. Today, however, was a completely different situation. There are only 2 kids in this class and the little boy was gone. Emma received a personal lesson from her life guard (whom she loves). Anyway, Alisa took her and worked with her and there were not problems. Emma listened, followed instructions, attempted the skills being taught and even put her whole head under the water!!! I said, "that's it! Mom has to come out of the class and Emma has to have goals set (it was at the end of class were I had said goal setting was important and Alisa showed Emma the skill of putting her head under water and set it as the goal for tomorrow. Emma promptly put her whole head under water). I'll get pictures up as soon as I can get out the the water to take them.



daveanddebbie said...

I'm so happy you have a blog! I can't belive how big Emma is- what a cutie! We miss you guys and wish you lived closer.

David and Nikki said...

You made my day....I am so stoked that you started a blog. Emma is beautiful! Hopefully, we will do better at staying in touch;) We love and miss you guys!