July 17th, 2010 was a big day for our family and one that has changed our lives forever.
Our family was excitedly waiting for the new addition to our family. Our little boy, whom we had decided to name Owen Kimball Gibson, was going to be making his appearance that day. Emma was taken to our friends so Ben and I could enter the hospital to start the birthing process.
The day went by with my mom, Ben and our friend Brandie at the hospital all waiting for the big event. We laughed, waited, they ate lunch, I ate nothing, we talked, watched TV, I tried to breath through contraction and then finally I gave in and had my epidural.
My progression was going slow until the last check when my Dr. said I had dilated very quickly to a 10. At that point it was apparent that Owen was having troubles. As he progressed his heart rate was going down. Owen either needed to come out quick or a crash cesarean was necessary. With a push, one suction from the Dr. and another push Owen was out. What was the 4 of us, the nurse and my Dr (a total of 6 in the room) quickly turned in to what seem like 25 people. Ben got 3 sec. to cut his cord and Dr. Hardy was moving Owen to all those waiting for him. It was at the moment that I heard by baby give a small cry.
Owen was having trouble breathing. They needed to give him CPR and to quickly intubate him. There was a problem, he could not be done easily. In fact, they could not do it and had to use a tool called a LMA. As this was happening I was getting reports for Dr. Hardy, my mom, Brandie and Ben. I was left on the bed due to the epidural. I was told that Owen had a 6th toe on his left foot. I was repeated told Owen was breathing. I was also comforted by being told that he's ok There appeared to be something wrong but no one knew what. They knew that he needed to get down to Sacred Heart NICU. Because of his airway obstruction they wanted the Medstar Crew to transport him. We was taken from my room into the nursery and he was looked over there until Medstar came. A comfort for me was that my mom, friend and husband could go and see what was happening. Also, Ben and Dr. Hardy were able to go and give Owen a blessing. I knew he needed it!
Owen was finally taken to Sacred Heart and Ben followed. What started out with breathing problems, low tone, an extra toe, and a large fontanel (soft spot)turned into 10 things. 10 things then turned into 15 things. The list of Owen's problems became larger and at 1:30am I (by myself) got the call from the NICU Dr that told me I was in the ride of my life.
The start of Owen's life proved to be a mystery. Dr.'s speculated about his overall condition (Trisomy 13, 18. We were told that Owen's condition was more then likely a condition that was not compatible to life or he would be a person that we, his parents, would have to dress, feed, change his pants, etc. for the rest of his life. Tests were ran and not until we got back his full genetic test did we know that Owen has a rare chromosome deletion in the 5-Q. This has no name and no other person with a documented case.
Owen spent 53 days in the NICU. While there he had tracheostomy surgery (he has Pierre Robin sequence which caused his breathing issue), and surgery for a g-tube, fondoplication and a hernia.
Once out of the NICU we came home to a house of of "extra's". There were extra people (nurses and respiratory)and there were extra supplies. We struggled at first with all of this and Owen did for sure. After 4 days of being home Ben and I were rushing him to the ER. The was struggling and we needed help.
Taking him the ER proved to the best thing. Owen was admitted into the PICU and spent 15 days there. While in the PICU Dr.'s determined that Owen needed more support with his breathing. He could breath but he would breath very shallow. This would not help him oxygenate his blood and therefore his CO2 numbers were rising. Getting one more "thing" was necessary and so when we left the PICU a vent came too.
2 days home from the PICU and once again we experienced trauma. Owen was turing blue and it was decided to do a trach change. While changing the trach I noticed blood. 911 was called and we went to the ER. The ride to the ER was nothing and it was decided that the blood was from irritation and not from his lungs. We went home.
Owen has been home now from the hospital for 6 weeks and he has been doing well. We have minor things happen but overall the tone is good. We enjoy having him at home. We try to take him for walks (he has a lot of equipment so it takes time to get him ready), we have Dr. appointments to go to, and we have family time. We are learning what it means to have a child with special needs. Our family is still the same family we were before Owen's birth- just now we are learning what it means to be a family with Owen in it.